Photo Blog

Sand Sculpture Marine Parade, Durban, South Africa by Harold Brown

Marine Parade, Durban, South Africa

Sand sculptures are very common on the beaches of Durban and the surrounding areas and Marine Parade in Durban is no exception. Great works of art by the locals! Durban, South Africa is in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. KwaZulu means "Place of the Zulu". The province is home to the Zulu monarchy, and the majority population and language of the province is Zulu.

Vasco da Gama of Portugal saw the coast of Natal on Christmas Day 1497. Want to know more about my first trip to South Africa? Click on this link.

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Perigee Moon Picture by Harold Brown

Perigee Moon Picture

Over the years I have pointed my camera to the night sky to capture a picture of the moon. It always looks so great in the motion picture world. Unfortunately not so easy to capture in real life. I was a kid in the sixties following the space program and the Moon had special interest to me. So finally last year I decided that I want to take a good picture of the moon. It was a Super Moon and what better time to take a picture.

So I put the 70-300mm lens on my Nikon D90, went onto my deck, setup my tripod and took pictures at various exposure times. My best shot was at 1/4000 second at f5.6 and ISO 200. Then some Photoshop work to get a cleaner picture.

 The Moon is about 31,069 miles, closer to Earth and therefore is bigger and brighter than the usual full moon.

Riverfront Mall Cruise-In by Harold Brown

  Riverfront Mall

Occasionally on a Monday night my friends and I will head up to Cuyahoga Falls and checkout the car show at the Riverfront Mall. I typically take my DSLR along to capture pictures of the cars. Sometimes I don't take my camera if I just need a break from the time it takes to capture all those great cars. Plus my friends leave me behind once I get started with the camera.

In 2007 I took a few pictures of a 1936 Ford. What a great looking car. They don't build them like that anymore. Lots of great details to be captured in every picture.

If you have never gone to a car show you should checkout a local show in your area. You get to spend sometime outdoors and remember back to another time when cars were not defined by big government or the price of gasoline.

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Lisbon Falls South Africa by Harold Brown

There is something about waterfalls that always fascinated me and Lisbon Falls in South Africa is no exception. I remember seeing waterfalls on TV when I was a child and wondering where all the water was coming from. Fortunately I have seen a lot of waterfalls since I was a kid and all of them still have plenty of water still pouring over them. I visited the Lisbon Falls in 2009 and took a few pictures. The height of the falls is about 295 feet (90 meters). It is located in Mpumalanga, South Africa.

Lisbon Falls
Lisbon Falls South Africa
Lisbon Falls South Africa
Lisbon Falls South Africa

Get out and see the world!

Want to know more about my first trip to South Africa? Click on this link.

Mapped location of Lisbon Falls can be found below.


Summer in Ohio means Car Show Time by Harold Brown

The summer season is here in Ohio and time for me to get my camera ready for some great shots of car shows around the North East Ohio area.  Here is one of my favorite pics from last year. A 1929 Ford,  taken in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, August 22, 2011.

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. August 22, 2011


Car shows are best enjoyed with your friends. Rich and Tom bring a wealth of knowledge about the various models years they love the best. There is always something to learn from them and the local history of cars and their owners.

Located in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. August 22, 2011

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Cuyahoga Falls Ohio Car Show by Harold Brown

Riverfront Mall Cruise In, August 27, 2007

Riverfront Mall Cruise-In

Me, Rich and Tom decided to head out to the Monday night car show at the Riverfront Mall in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. A really great evening and we walked around and looked at all the cars in a great setting. Click on the picture and checkout some of the 128 pictures from the show. Something for everyone. Maybe you will find your car.

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