Shiva Vishnu Temple, Parma Ohio / by Harold Brown

Shiva Vishnu Temple, Parma Ohio

You will find the Shiva Vishnu Temple residing on 32 acres with scenic surroundings on Ridge Road in Parma, Ohio. I took the January picture above with my iPhone 4S on a snowy overcast day.

Shiva Vishnu Temple, Parma Ohio

The March picture was taken with my Nikon D90. When visiting the temple I typically see deer in the winter time, and on one occasion I saw a red fox walk just in front of my car. A few geese have made the temple their home as well.

The Temple entrance is on the East side of the build which you gain access to by taking the covered walk from the parking lot to the back side of the Temple. Once you enter you must remove your shoes before entering the main Temple.

Shiva Vishnu Temple, Parma Ohio

The Siva Vishnu Temple has a very peaceful surrounding and is a nice temple to visit if you find yourself traveling through Parma or live in the area.