Tom Lapp

First Car Show for 2013 by Harold Brown

First Car Show for 2013

I went to my first car show for 2013 this past Monday and I didn't take my camera. That is kind of unusual for me, but I had spent a day taking pictures on May 17th at Pegasus Farm. I was just short of 800 pictures that day and had spent a solid two days reviewing, editing and publishing them, so I was a bit burnt out on taking pictures for the car show. However, it was fun getting together with Rich and Tom for another season of car idolatry. We staked out our usual spot under the shade tree and then went for a walk to see what the show had to offer. Many of the cars and owners were in their favorite spots and we saw many of the same faces we see each year. We are always looking for that rare gem that we can checkout in more detail.

This year I have decided that I am going to concentrate on a few cars rather that capturing the entire show. It is a little more fun to do an in depth photo review of a single car, especially with cars from the 40's and 50's. There is just a lot of stuff hanging off cars from that time frame. It gives me more time to enjoy the show and talk with the guys. I also have a bunch of car pictures from last year that I haven't published yet, so I need to work on those before capturing another couple hundred pictures.

Since I like to have pictures in my posts I decided to add a picture of our earliest form of transportation that was only 1 horse power! A picture I took of a horse at Pegasus Farm on May 17th seems appropriate.

First Car Show for 2013

First Car Show for 2013