Spinus tristis

Backyard Birds - American Goldfinch by Harold Brown

Backyard Birds

I typically put a couple of Niger seed sacks out in the backyard near the bird bath each year. It is very relaxing sitting on the upper deck of the house listening to the American Goldfinches sing as they fly back and forth to the seed and the water fountains and birdbath.They fly to the tree and eventually make their way down to the seed, sometimes sharing and sometimes fending off the other birds.

American Goldfinch

Of course with all those birds comes with a few fights that sometimes get very acrobatic. These little birds are very fast and catching them in flight is difficult and typically a bit blurry as well. The two Goldfinches below decided to go heels when one decided to chases the other from the food.

American Goldfinch

Once the birds find your feeders they can empty them out pretty quick. I typically make sure they are filled Friday night so I can enjoy there visits during the weekend. Of course a few squirrels typically need to stop by and checkout what is happening. A few peanuts are in order for them.

American Goldfinch